Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Longest Move-In Ever...

Alrighty... This is the longest move-in ever but dang it we are living in our new/old home ready or not! Well Brannon had his time off from work in between jobs and is now back at work at his new job with Pepsi. Last time I mentioned we were moving our belongings in from the garage and we did with the help of our amazing friends Brock, Jason and "Angry" Johnny but we hadn't even actually stayed the night in our home until this last Friday evening. Let me tell you that it feels grrrreat! The last week we ended up staying at the parents a little while longer since we were getting stressed about getting moved in and settled as soon as possible before finishing up some crucial projects so that the house could at least be somewhat toddler safe for Charli. We still have more pictures to post but they'll just have to wait until next time. In the last week other than moving in Brannon has worked on getting the walk-in closet finished out so I can have a place for our clothes, which is crucial. Now all that's left is setting the remainder of the trim in place, finishing the last of the touch ups and then all we still have then is to install the wood floor in the entry way. Due to some packs of the flooring being messed up and the steps to the stairs still not arriving, we called the place we got the flooring at and they said the steps would be on back order until early February and that the replacements for the messed up packs would have to be ordered and that might take an additional 2-4 weeks. Despite the fact they mentioned that they did have some in stock but it was someone else's order that had partially arrived and waiting for the remainder. Hopefully Brannon can maybe talk them into going ahead and switching ours out with part of that order so that all of the rest of that order can come in all at once and we can get our replaced since we have to get this flooring done for the carpet runners to be installed on the steps and the fact that we ordered and prepaid for ours way before these other people did. If that doesn't work then maybe I'll have to step in and interveen. No one likes to have to deal with a woman when she gets a little saucy and hot headed. ; p Since our last post not only did we get moved in but also Destiny has come to live with us now for the remainder of the school year thus far. That in itself is going to be an exciting adventure. Turns out she is beyond excited about the move and we can only hope that she feels just as comfortable living with us as she would visiting us every other weekend. This last week we got her enrolled in school and she will actually have her first day at her new school tomorrow. I think she may even already be more settled in then any of the rest of us are at this point which was just what we wanted. We took it easy ourselves this last Sunday though due to Nonnie having an unbelievable turkey dinner in the early afternoon with all the Grandparents. After dinner everyone came over and had a tour to see the progress of the house. Everyone seemed very impressed of what we have accomplished already. Now if we can just get all of our things in the right places and get some decor going we can have our house warming party and hopefully move on to some more much needed projects around the place. Even though I would love to get everything done right away and finished we must take time for ourselves and the kids to help keep us grounded and keep us from getting burned out too quickly. That actually is the best time for me to get to run around town and familiarize myself with all the local antique shops and furniture galleys. That's usually how I best stir up my inspiration for what we aim to do decor wise. When I find some good places I'll be sure to fill you all in on the what and where's of them. Speaking if what and where's, I'm a bit hot headed this evening due to Brannon's informing me that the fans I wanted for the house are completely out of stock everywhere even online. : | That news really ruffled my feathers. I knew I should have gotten them when I had the chance. Now I'll be regretting not going with my instinct to buy, buy, buy something when it comes along at a great deal like those fans did. Hopefully more will arrive in stock somewhere in the next few weeks. Until then I guess we'll once again just adjust to the dangling light fixtures in some rooms for now. Yes I said dangling, we like to live our remodeling life on the edge like that, lol. So for now I best be on my way to bed since we have earlier mornings from now until the end of the school year. We will keep all of you updated with more stuff soon. Peace, love, and paint thinner... sweet dreams all!

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