Friday, January 21, 2011

Lazy snow days.... Well kinda...

The snow came, it hit, and it conquered! There's a total white out in North West Arkansas and it's beautiful! The snow this morning totally makes up for my getting sick last night when we had company over. I do not even know what hit me last night but it wasn't sweet at all. Woke up this morning and school was cancelled today and now its cancelled tomorrow too! The teenager is super excited about that... 8¥ Turns out also our poor Charli hates to walk on snow! We all did however have some wonderful snow ice cream and it was de-lish!!! Charli thought so too! So if you can tell already we kind of took the day off. Brannon did get the lumber place to exchange the flooring yesterday evening and hung a fan in Charli's room today. Yay! I didn't do a single thing, I about froze my toes the one time I stepped out today. The snow is great to look out at but there is no way I'm going anywhere if I do not have to. I did watch Legends of the Fall today though while Charli napped. So hopefully this weekend will be a productful weekend. Until then let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

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