Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Random Tuesday blog...

I must admit in all honesty that when I first thought of a life without a microwave in the kitchen I wasn't convinced that we would ever survive. But now that we have made it two weeks with out even thinking twice about it I'm a believer. It can be done, and rather easily. In my attempt to make wiser food choices for me and my family I personally do believe this might just be the easiest one we've made the last gew years and the microwave oven even helped us in the decision making process. You ask how? Well, it just so happens that one day oh right at about two weeks ago let's just say a certain someone had a heart to heart with the darn thing and talked mad shit to it. I proceeded and had a discussion with it as to how much of a piece of crap it was and that it should die and die soon. Then, low and behold the very next following morning it just decided to quit working. I awoke to fill a coffee cup of water to heat it up in the darn thing for tea and nothing. Surprised after nuking the cup for another additional 2 minutes and add 30 seconds nothing. Just a cold mug filled with cold water.  So miracles do happen, and sometimes just right at the perfect time. The one thing that will help us eat more health smart as a unit/family is our not using a microwave.  I'm rather proud of how easy it has been for all of us to adjust. So easy we didn't even notice, until I did just a few moments ago. Oh and yes this is a rather random blog sine I haven't blogged in months or maybe even years. Ok, almost two years... who's counting anyway?!? I guess there's no better way to start up again then the present. One happy Mountain of the Ozark Momma : ) so here's to a new start, again, for the third time.  ; p I hope in the future to bring you all some more of our future adventures and then maybe even make up for some of the past time lost. Happy Random Tuesday! 

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