Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Final Move...

Ok... So we got everything situated with the property management company. It turns out it was a weekend of panic due to an accounting mess up! So thanks One Prop for all the stress for nothing. This last week we managed to get a little done here and there on the house but we are getting there. For the most part the kitchen, dining, and upstairs living areas are ready for paint and the floors to be put down. The last two days alone I have already pulled enough staples out of the floors that by the time we are done I would prefer not to see another staple for at least a year or two. Those little suckers are stubborn and I have the blisters to prove it. All that's left is to finish out the master closet, pull what's left of those damned staples and prep the windows in the bedrooms. Hopefully we'll be set to move in before 2011. As of this moment we are driving back to Texas with a couple of Brannon's buddies Johnny and Jason to pick up the rental truck and load her up. I almost didn't come along for the ride since last night our sweet little girl actually got sick for the first time. Poor little thing had caught a stomach bug and literally upchucked all over Brannon... twice actually. It was the saddest thing ever, she would get so mad afterward and I don't blame her, it wasn't very pretty. But it seems that it was just a three or four hour bug. The whole time she was still active as usual, I'd almost say she was more active. Nothing seems to slow that little love bug down, God bless her. By bed time she was fine and slept throughout the night and held her fluids down. With her feeling better I didn't feel as guilty leaving her for the weekend for the first time with her Nonnie and Papa. So the plan today is to haul bootay to DFW load up the truck, clean, paint, and shampoo the carpets so we can go meet up with friends this evening before heading out and head back to Arkansas sometime Sunday. I must say it will be nice to finally be done with the trips back and forth and be able to solely focus on getting the house done and not have to worry about our stuff back in Texas. The best of that also is not having to put Charli through all the hectic stress of the road trips too. I still can't believe how good she was with all the trips we made in the month of October alone. So this is and will be our final trip to Texas for a bit, or at least until Christmas or so to pick up Destiny.

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