Wednesday, November 24, 2010

We Made It...

Yes! We made it to Arkansas in one piece. Sorry the notice is a few weeks late but we arrived back in "The Natural State" around two in the morning Monday, November 15th. Then Brannon got up for work that morning and later that night we crammed all of our belongings in our garage. I must say though; it's a strange feeling seeing your whole life packed up and stored in one small space and not knowing exactly when you will see it all again. Sitting here thinking about it I have completely forgotten about my plants! They have been sitting in there without sun or water since then. Hmmm, I wonder if I should do something about that? (lol) If anything I'll have to handle that tomorrow. Hopefully I'll remember. Anyhow, it shouldn't be long now until we are ready to paint and install the floors but it will still be a few weeks until we are ready to move in and unpack or even think about getting settled in our new/old home. Actually for the past two weeks things have been pretty slow going since everyone in the house has been getting the nasty virus that has been going around that Charli had right before we left town. Tuesday evening I tried to work on the house and was over there for maybe an hour until it felt like I hit a brick wall. Let me just say that it wasn't pretty and that I got to know the upstairs bathroom at my "in-laws" on a personal level that night. It was bad enough that it took all of Wednesday for me to recoupe and that I didn't even really feel one hundred percent until mid morning Thursday. Thank heaven for my amazing "mother-in-law" who helped nurse me back to health since Brannon was having to work overnight out of town. It would have been miserable if I had gotten sick with "B" working away and not have anyone there to help let alone with me but also with Charli. I wouldn't have made it for sure. Since I finally got my feet back underneath me, we were actually able to put a full weekends worth of work on the house this last weekend for the first time since October. The rest of the windows have been cleaned, prepped, and caulked. All of the carpets have been pulled up and staples have been pulled out of the floors. Brannon's dad Les has finished out the closet and installed the pocket door in the master closet. The kitchen cabinets have been stained, sealed, and sanded and are waiting for their final spray down of finish. Brannon even actually already has Destiny's room painted so she can see it for herself what the paint will look like over this Thanksgiving holiday. As you can tell we are getting really close for the most part. The weather the last few days has even been nice enough for me to get back to work on the rest of the bushes on the front of the house. Yesterday I trimmed them up to match the other side and today I was even able to set the stones back in place and spread mulch even though Brannon has been sick since Monday night. I also even managed to clean up around the backside of the house and haul about a half dozen full trash bags to the curb in between doing that. I just can't wait  for all the fun stuff to begin. As soon as we get the paint on the walls and the floors installed we can begin to worry about the little details and other future projects like changing the master bath into having a walk-in shower, re-painting the exterior of the house, re-doing the landscaping int he flower beds, then eventually hopefully expanding the deck on the back of the house. We even have plans in place for us to install a garden and hopefully a compost by early this spring. I must apologize though for not postin gany pictures again this time. But obviously things have been just slightly hectic. I do plan though to go over to the house tomorrow and will take lots of pictures to post of what things are looknig like especially of the landscaping that I am so proud of accomplishing already. So, until then, just in case I don't post anything before then... Happy Thanksgiving everybody and be super safe.

1 comment:

  1. I must say the landscape is looking quite lovely (okay, maybe lovely is not the proper word, since it's nearly winter, and nothing's blooming...) - Milah has (single handedly) done a wonderful job of cleaning up the flower beds and getting new mulch in, and has completely rebuilt the rock border around the beds! (that's a lot of rock, let me tell you!) It looks better now that it did when we had the professional landscapers put it in about 15 or more years ago! Can't wait to see what she's going to do with stuff that blooms come spring!
