Saturday, November 6, 2010

One day to vacate...

This past week in Arkansas was very nice but I must admit work on the house was not as productive as planned. We took the weekend to recoup from the road trip and the previous few weeks of gong non-stop. Monday I did finally knock out work on some bookkeeping that absolutely had to be done and I was also able to do some things around Nonnie's house to help our week there go smoothly but no work done really on our old/new house so new pictures this go round.

Tuesday Charli and I began to get a little stir crazy so we got out of the house and went into town for a bit. We went to the grocery store, filled the car with gas, ate at our favorite place to eat (Chick-Fil-A) and then even had time left to browse Toys"R"Us for a little while before heading back. When we got back we pulled into the garage to find that one of these past few days when Brannon had even made mention that the beer in the fridge wasn't that cold the breaker had flipped and the refrigerator in the garage had stopped working. Like a super hero I single handed with child in tow unloaded all sorts of thawed out food and quickly dispersed of what could be saved into the other freezer and what needed to be tossed out and then unloaded all the new groceries we had just purchased into the house. Then later that night instead of the three of us having steak and veggie skewers we had lasagna for 8-10. I also tried cooking some other things that had thawed earlier that couldn't be re-frozen to save but almost lit the whole place up in flames when the grill caught fire. What a day!!!

Wednesday Charli's Aunt Katie came and picked her up to run errands with her and watch her while I managed to finally get next door to clean one set of windows before having to head back to Nonnie's because I had gotten a massive migraine. After about an hour into it had to quit and go lay down because I became nauseous enough to the point that I felt as if I would have lost my breakfast right there all over or maybe even passed out over there by myself. After a short nap I began to feel better right in time for Charli and Katie to get back for us to go get Charli's cousins Owen and Kamryn from school for me to watch them for a few hours in exchange. Those kids are the greatest! They love our Charli soo much and they play so well with her! We picked tomatoes from Nonnie's tomato plants, jumped on the trampoline out back and just all hung out until Katie came back from her meeting. Wednesday is also one of the two busiest days of Brannon's work week where he works anywhere from 16-20 hours in one day and then turns right back around four hours later to do the same thing again Thursday. So needless to say, I practically didn't even see him those days but I did still cook some dinner for him to have when he got home. Charli and I tried to stay up until he got there but we didn't quit make it.

Thursday was a pretty mundane day in Arkansas. Charli and I just hung around the house and played  until eventually we couldn't take the quietness and headed to the mall to go take Charli to play at the little play area there. She had a good time. It really amazes me how well she plays with kids older than her. Then about 4-ish to our surprise we got a call from Brannon saying he was on his way home early and we loaded up and headed back home. When we got back Charli and Brannon took a nap and I finally got a chance to sneak away next door and do some work! It wasn't very much, but I did get a few hours in on the place to finish up the windows in the kitchen/dining/living areas and got the majority of them taped off and ready for painting.  About one in the morning I finally called it quits and headed back next door for the night.

Friday was a good day overall! Charli woke up around 6:30 and we watched the sun come up and then watched some cartoons on PBS while eating breakfast. After getting her fed and going for the day I then proceeded to clean Nonnie and Papa's house top to bottom. I thought Linda and Les would really appreciate coming home to a clean house after allowing my husband and I to invade it over the last month and with Charli and I coming back and forth. I of all people love coming home to a clean house myself so I'm sure they'll love it being in order and us not being there for a couple of days. Later on in the day around three Brannon got home right in time for me to finish up cleaning and for Charli to wake up from her nap and eat lunch before we had to get back on the road to head back to Texas. The road trip this time was really nice for me with having Brannon there to help keep Charli happy while I drove. On our way we stopped by to pick up Destiny (our older daughter) from her mom's in Hurst on our way to our house in Fort Worth. We finally made it to our destination right around midnight. Do take note thatt I did not call it home since it already does not feel like home anymore. We all piled out of the car to get everything unloaded and emptied from the past weeks craziness when I realized that a letter in the weeks worth of mail that had piled up is from the property management company we rent our house through in Texas. I opened it immediately fearing the worst because i just knew things have gone way too smooth up to this point for this transition to be happening like it is. Now let me fill you in a little bit... before this recent  move we had just moved into a lovely newer home in the Crowley area of south Fort Worth about six months ago for more room after having our little girl. Planning to be there for at least a few years while Charli grew up we agreed to sign a two year lease to live there. When the opportunity came up for us to move to Arkansas we did have to terminate the two year lease early but we followed all the directions the lease agreement states to a tee such as providing the management company with a 45 day notice, a forwarding address, as well as 180% of one months rent for early termination fees for the management company to re-rent the home. We have even paid rent on time every time and had just paid our current months pro-rated rent up to the time for us to be there to finish packing and load everything up and clean up the place just so that we might possibly get our deposit back. Well the letter we received states this:

I mean really... of all the things!!! I knew at the very moment we signed the lease with a management company that I would probably regret it in the long run. Guess my gut feeling was right all along. Thank goodness the opportunity for us to move came along when it did. Could you imagine if we had stayed through out the end of the lease what kind of wackiness they would have come up with then? Tell me what you think...